Friends of Los Alamos County Libraries
Bookstore Now Open
Monday - Thursday 10 am - 6 pm
Friday and Saturday 10 am - 4 pm
Sunday 1 pm to 4 pm
When volunteers are available
Donate to Make a Difference
Friends of Los Alamos County Libraries, a New Mexico non-profit charitable organization, was established to maintain an association of people interested in literary media; to increase the facilities and services of the Los Alamos County Libraries; and to enrich the cultural opportunities available to the citizens of Los Alamos County.
The FLACL Board of Directors approves all expenditures including the annual grant to the Los Alamos County Library System, which is covered in our formal contract with Los Alamos County. The Board's ex-officio members include the Library Manager, Assistant Library Manager, and a designated member from the Library Board who serves for a year at a time. Meetings are conducted according to our By-Laws and the current Robert’s Rules of Order. Suggested expenditures, in addition to our annual grant to the County for the Libraries, are discussed at our meetings that occur at least quarterly with particular attention paid to suggestions from the ex-officio members, mentioned above, who cannot vote. The expenditure of funds is related to the goals of the Los Alamos County Library System.